Name change and experimenting
Some more news on the game formerly known as Wiccage! For starters, I'm going to rename it: leading contenders are "The Fox, The Witch, and the Mirror" or "Foxes in the Forest". I'd like to really lean...
Some more news on the game formerly known as Wiccage! For starters, I'm going to rename it: leading contenders are "The Fox, The Witch, and the Mirror" or "Foxes in the Forest". I'd like to really lean...
Although it's been a while since I've written anything here, I've nevertheless been busy with gaming. Work has continued on Hocus Poker, where Grant and I have shifted our energies to what we're calling 3.0, a...
Last time, I wrote about trying to fix the disjointed nature of Wiccage after a poor test. It's worth mentioning, of course, that a poor test like that is an extremely valuable one. I usually learn more from the disasters than I do...
Last time, I wrote about making a big change for Wiccage, swapping out the Cribbage-style playing phase for a trick-taking phase instead. There were a bunch of other changes that I put in as well, and I was feeling pretty optimistic about the changes. Perhaps...
Last time, I wrote about the hot mess that was the first version of Wiccage. In summary, it felt too much like Cribbage, except for most of the bits that I'd added, which sucked. It was, frankly, a bit disheartening. Bad first versions...