I'd like to take a step back from the details of game development in this series on Napoleon, Blown Apart to take a look at the goals of the project. I think a thing that has helped my games turn into something I...
In the last post, I talked about the initial tests and the first set of changes I'd made as a result of those tests. That post also explains the basics of how the game works to make it easier to follow along with...
The initial test of Napoleon, Blown Apart showed promise, as the game (played two-handed, solo) was actually a fun experience. There were some clear things that needed to be addressed, however. Before I go into those changes, however, it's worth providing a quick...
Since the last time that I actually had a new game that got as far as the table, I've thought about probably a dozen different ideas. These have expressed themselves as anything ranging from rules sets I've actually written down, to...
I was asked by a publisher I'm working with for Foxes what my vision for the game is. And I think that's a good question. A game without a vision will drift, and it will wander, and it will be difficult...